Winter Retreat Report

January 21st Winter Retreat for 2017 of the Great Plains Dulcimer Alliance proved to be a great day for GPDA! By rough count, we had 46 persons in attendance; this did not necessarily include persons that were coming and going or just dropping by to say hello. Needless to say, a good time was had by all!

I also would like to express special appreciation to our workshop leaders Barbara Madorin, Pat Harrington, Larry McDoniel, Erin Mae Lewis, Connie Renberger and Amber Rogers. The weather cooperated for us, as you may recall. It was a beautiful day with just a slight bit of chill in the air, which made the inside warmth of the gathering especially appreciated.

Further special thanks needs to be extended to all the wonderful hands that contributed to the success of the event. At the risk of inadvertently leaving out a name, let me just say your group assistance in setting up and taking down tables and chairs; cooking food; bringing and resupplying the club tubs; arranging and setting out the food; cleaning up throughout the day and at the end of the event; moving bunk beds in the bunk room so that we could have the workshops in the bunk rooms; cleaning up spills; taking out the trash; directing traffic; greeting new and potential members; welcoming visitors; playing until your fingers turned blue; or any other task or accomplishment that I cannot think of at the moment. Thank you!

This past year has seen such a tremendous amount of growth, both in membership and activities for our Club. All of this growth is directly attributable to the attitudes, willingness, interest, joy and love of what we do. This growth was greatly exemplified at this retreat. So again, thank you!

And, as I have continually said, 'if we're not having fun we're not doing it right.' Pretty sure we got this one right!

Thank you.

Gary Bell

(photos by Don & Charlotte Blake)
