Year End Review

I cannot believe this year has passed so swiftly. We have accomplished so much this year and gained several new members. Our new website is a huge success!
During our November meeting, we elected our new officers for 2017:
Gary Bell, president
Erin Mae Lewis, vice president
Connie Renberger, secretary
Jodi Cline, treasurer
Thank you to Denny Bell for two years being our vice president.
We will install our new officers at our Christmas party on December 10. Please note the change of our location for our Christmas Party! We will be meeting at Faith Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall at 214 South Derby Avenue in Derby. It will be a potluck and the meat is provided (but it never hurts to bring more if you wish). It will begin at 9:00 am - 4:00 pm. This would be a great opportunity for you to pay your $12 membership dues for next year.
Mark your calendars for the upcoming Winter Retreat at Camp Tawakoni January 21 located at 8492 SW Tawakoni Road in Augusta. This retreat replaces our monthly meeting. It runs from 9:30 am to 8:00 pm. There is a posted sign-up sheet for the potluck meals. Lunch will begin at noon and the evening meal will be leftovers. Please know that all of our workshops are free and you can participate in them or jam or visit with other members or visitors. We will have an area for selling instruments, music, cds, etc. Members are responsible for selling their own items.
Have a safe, warm, and blessed Christmas plus a Happy New Year.
Keep pickin' and grinnin'
Gary Bell