Hope - Where do We Find It?

It seems these days we are all looking for hope. Hope to see each other again. To hug loved ones again. To not lose anymore loved ones. Hope for peace for our country. How and where do we find Hope?
For those with Faith, we know where our hope comes from. Even with that we still have human needs of being part of our communities be it GPDA, church, friends, or family.
My hope for you is take part in the many online Zoom classes. Quarantune Dulcimer Festival is coming the end of this week. Many instructors are giving affordable classes. Taking this opportunity to learn new tunes, practice techniques, or whatever works for you to be able to stay connected.
Hope comes in knowing we will meet some time in the future and continue on our GPDA journey. Playing with others will happen again. Hugging friends and family will happen again. Seeing each other’s smiling faces will happen again. It has been great to see everyone that are attending our monthly Zoom meetings.
I have taken this time to re-organize my music as we know it always gets to be a mess! Plus, practicing techniques to understand my keyboard better. Learning about performing from Erin has been enlightening.
Hope for a safe world for everyone, that is my prayer. May you all find hope in your music, faith, friends, or whatever way you can.
May you all play music to your hearts content and find hope in the power of music. Transcending into a peaceful world of music that gives you hope.
In Hope, keep the music in the air!
NancyJ VP