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July Meeting

As you probably have already noticed by following our postings on email from our GPDA group page, we have established an opinion poll regarding our July meeting.

If you have not already posted your opinion on the poll, please do so.

We have an amazingly simple question which we wish to put before the club.

To wit: “Are you in favor of an in-person meeting on July the 11th?

What the executive committee is proposing is that we meet in person at New Hope Christian Church.

Obviously, everyone will be required to wear a mask. We also ask everyone to bring their own jam chairs. Also, bring your own donut, coffee, or other snack. The business meeting will be held on zoom. The following jam will be held in the shade in the picnic area at New Hope Christian Church.

Social distancing will also be required.

I feel like we need to get out and be a club.

I also believe that we can do this safely and have time to fellowship and even jam as a group.

If you are not at all interested in doing this, let us know. If we get a negative response from a significant number of folks, we will not try to do it.

But if you feel like you need to get out and spend some time with your music friends then make that response known to us as well.

If you do not know how to vote in this poll go back through your email and look for the email posted by Richard dated June the 25th. The procedure is very clearly spelled out there. However, if you have difficulty with this please let Richard or me know about it

Keep on picking!

Gary Bell

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