Notes From Gary
On behalf of the entire Great Plains Dulcimer Alliance Executive Committee, I would like to express our hope and prayers that you all are doing well and staying safe and healthy!
I would like to mention the play date that we had at the Beaumont hotel in Beaumont Kansas back in September. It went pretty well all things considered.
I believe we had about 12 people in attendance There were two families who elected to spend the night at the campground on Friday night. We jammed for about two hours on Saturday. A good time was had by all!
There were many people attending other festivities at Beaumont Kansas that were quite interested in what we were doing.
As it happened, there was a bicycle marathon happening on the same day and Beaumont was one of their rest stops. Support staff for the bicycle group set up their tables not too far from where we were playing and we had an opportunity to watch all the excitement associated with a bicycle marathon.
However, we did not get to see any airplanes land on the air strip and taxi up to the hotel. I was disappointed.
I understand that shortly after we left there was a motorcycle group that came in and ate lunch at the hotel. Truth be known, Beaumont Kansas was a happenin' place that day!
We hope to have a few play dates coming up so be watching for those as they are put on the calendar as well as such reminders coming out on the web page.
We are planning to hold our October meeting at New Hope Christian Church. We will do this as a hybrid Zoom/in-person meeting as we have done in the past. We will be meeting outside under the canopy, 6 feet apart and with face masks. If a person does not feel comfortable with that type of meeting, then you will also be able to sign in on Zoom. We will publicize the Zoom link a day or two before the meeting next week.
Stay safe and keep on pickin’
Gary D Bell President GPDA
P.S. We still need names for our upcoming election for next year. Please contact any member of the Executive meeting. Thanks.