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There is Hope in Music!

As we come out of quarantine and start a new life, spring flowers are blooming, and birds are singing! I did play on my front porch a few weeks ago. One neighbor waved, but few drove by. That’s okay, the music was in the air, my new slogan.

It is interesting that this global event brought us together in many ways. All of the music shared on Facebook is phenomenal. I watched the Disney sing along last night and sang a few, but really wanted to hear the singers. But more importantly is how music does bring humanity together. I have not been bored watching all of this transpire. I especially like are the videos where folks made new lyrics for popular songs that are really a hoot! Most of them are quite funny, check it out.

Attending Zoom sessions for different events and keeping in touch electronically from all over the world. I can’t imagine what it might have been like in 1918 when they didn’t have media and no idea what was happening. Some Newtonians are howling at 8:00pm every night, I think this started in another country as a tribute to health care workers. Not sure my neighbors would approve so this I have not tried.

Back to music…globally music is a catalyst between all people. I think it rings of peace, love, and brotherhood no matter who is playing or singing or from what country. It brings us together even though we are apart. Try the GPDA jams online! It is always good to see others even if you don’t play along much. Check out your favorite instructor and see what they are offering. There is so much going on!

Now we are planning a Spring fundraiser online and more is forthcoming on how that will look. I’ve watched a few concerts online and they were great. Consider contributing your talent to the fundraiser! It will be recorded so you can do over until happy with the results.

Music has helped me survive and I hope it has been the same for you. I do miss playing with my buddies though and looking forward to the day when we can reunite. There is hope in a future for our club, our friends and loved ones, and for the country. Hope for our events starting back up along with our musical journeys.

Watch for the Spring Fundraiser details. Let’s bring our musical talents together!

Keep the music in the air!



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